14 January, 2019

Hindu Tradition of Piercing Baby's Ears

The Origin and Early History

     Boring of different limbs for wearing ornaments is current among savage peoples all over the world.  So its origin is very ancient.  But even when civilization progressed, ornamentation continued, though it was refined.  In the case of boring ears, it was undoubtedly ornamental in its origin, but later on it proved to be useful, and for emphasizing its necessity, it was given a religious coloring.  Ears of a child should be bore for protection [from diseases] and decoration.  It is explicitly prescribes the boring of ears for preventing hydrocele and hernia.  Thus, it was a precaution taken early in life, so that the chances of the above diseases may be minimised.

      The cause of the late inclusion of this ceremony in the list of the Samskaras is that its original purpose was decorative and there was the absence of any religious idea associated with it.  It was only in very wide sense that it entered the holy precincts of the Samskaras.

      But there is one hymn in the Atharvaveda which refers to ear-boring. 

The Age and Time of Performance

       This ceremony was performed on the tenth, the twelfth or the sixteenth day after the bird of the child according to Brhaspati.

       Garga regards the sixth, the seventh, the eighth or the twelfth month as suitable periods.  In the opinion of Sripati, the Karnavedha ceremony should be performed before teeth of the child come out, and while it is still creeping on the lap of the mother.  The Katyama Sutra, however, prescribes the proper time of performing the ceremony in the third or fifth year of the child.  

       The idea of underlying the early age was that the boring would be easier and less troublesome to the child.  Taking physical facility into consideration Susruta prefers the sixth or the seventh month.  At present it is performed with the Upanayana.

The Performer

       In the opinion of the Katyayana Sutra father performed the ceremony, but it is silent as to who should bore the ears.  According to Susruta a surgeon should pierce the ears.  But Sripati, a medieval writer, allows this privilege to a professional needle-maker, more often a goldsmith.  Susruta was more reasonable in his prescription than Sripati.  The goldsmith, however, has acquired a hereditary experience and in the majority of cases it is he who is invited to bore the ears.

The Types of Needle

       The types of needle with which the ears were bored are also determined by writers on ritual.  "Gold needle lends elegance, but one can use silver or even iron needle according to his means."  Description was made according to the caste of the child.  "The needle for a prince should be made of gold, that of a Brahmana and a Vaisya made of silver and that of a Sudra made of iron.  The basis of this differential treatment was economic.

A Compulsory Ceremony

       When the Karnavedha assumed a religious garb, its performance became compulsory and its omission was regarded a sin.  The defaulter was thought to be fallen from his status.  Devala, a medieval Smritiwriter, says, "All the accumulated merits disappear at the sight of a brahmana, through whose ear-holes do not pass the rays of the Sun.  No gift should be given to him in the Sraddha ceremonies.  If one gives, he becomes an Asura or demon.

The Ceremonies

       The Karnavedha ceremony described in the Katyayana Sutra is very simple.  On an auspicious day, the ceremony was performed in the first half of the day.  the child was seated facing towards east and given some sweet-meats.  Then the right ear was bored with the verse "May we hear auspicious things through ears etc., and the left ear with the verse, "Vaksyanti etc.,"  The ceremony closed with the feasting of the Brahmanas.

Susruta on the Boring of Ears

       Susruta gives a very cautious procedure of the ceremony.  He says that the ceremony should be performed in the sixth or seventh month, in the bright half and on an auspicious day.  After the preliminaries the child should be put on the lap of the mother or the nurse.  Then the child should be fondled and persuaded by means of toys.  Now the surgeon should pull the ears with his left hand and bore them slowly at the natural holes which are visible in the sunlight.  If the ears are tender they should be pierced with a needle, if stiff with a probe.  After boring oil should be applied to the ears by means of a cotton thread or bougie.

Later Phases

       The later writers on the Samsakra introduced more religious elements and social mirth in the ceremony.  On the day of performance Kesava [Lord Visnu], Hara [Siva], Brahma, the sun, the moon, deities of quarters, Nasatyas, Sarasvati the Brahmanas and cows were worshipped.  The Teacher of the family was decorated and offered a seat.  Then the nurse, wearing white garment, brought the child well-adorned, with its painted with red powder.  The child was persuaded and kept still.  The surgeon pierced the ears in one stroke but very lightly.  The right ear of the boy and the left of the left of the girl was bored first.  In the end, presents were given to the Brahmans, astrologers and the surgeon.  Ladies, friends, the Brahmans and relatives were paid respect and entertained.

Excerpts from the Book on "HINDU SAMSKARAS" by Rajbali Pandey