19 May, 2013

Mooladhara Chakra


       The Sanskrit word 'moola' means 'root' or 'base'; adhara means 'substratum; or support'. Mooladhara is the fundamental root or framework of individual human existence.

       Mooladhara is situated at the perineum in the male, midway between the anus and the genitals, a centimetre or so above the skin surface.  In the female, it is at the cervix, where the vagina and the uterus join.  It is approximately two to three centimeters inside the body.

       From mooladhara the three major nadis - ida, pingala and sushumna arise and make their ascent via the other chakras to ajna.  So, in actual fact, mooladhara is directly linked to ajna chakra in the midbrain.  Thus by stimulating  mooladhara it is possible to awaken one's  intuitive  faculties.

       In tantra and yoga, as well as in most other systems, kundalini is believed to reside in mooladhara chakra, coiled like a sleeping snake.  Mooladhara is the lowest chakra in man but the highest in animals.  When man's consciousness resides here he is unconscious of himself, but when an awakening begins to take place in this chakra the individual's understanding awareness start to unfold.

       Mooladhara is the centre where one is almost entirely self-centred and concerned with obtaining personal security, money, material objects, food, friends, etc.  The karmas of previous stages of evolution manifest in the form of anger, greed, jealousy, passion, love, hatred, sleep etc.

       According to Samkhya philosophy, mooladhara is symbolic of the earth [prithvi] element [tattwa] and is closely related to the sense of smell and the locomotion of the legs.

       Mooladhara is represented as four-petalled deep red lotus.  Its yantra is a yellow square and the bija mantra, the seed sound or vibration of the tattwa, is lam.  The Animal depicting the characteristics of the tattwa is a seven -trunked elephant.  This elephant carries the great mind and creativity.  The seven trunks represents the seven chakras, and also the seven minerals which are vital to the human body.

Moola Bandha [perineal contraction]

     Sit in siddhasana/siddha yoni asana so that pressure is applied to the perineal/vaginal region.

       Relax the body and close the eyes.

       Witness the natural breath as it flows in and out of the body.

       Now bring your awareness to the mooladhara trigger point, and at the same time maintain awareness of the breath.  Feel or imagine that as you breathe in you are drawing each breath up from mooladhara to ajna chakra.  As you breathe out your awareness flows back from ajna to mooladhara.

       You may experience the breath moving straight up and down the spine, or you might feel it moving up and down the front of the body.  It is also possible to experience the movement up the front of the body to ajna and down the spine to mooladhara.  It does not make any difference, it is a matter of personal preference and sensitivity.

       Inhale from mooladhara to ajna.  Exhale from ajna to mooladhara.  As you reach the peak of inhalation your awareness reaches ajna.

       At the moment your awareness arrives at mooladhara, your exhalation should be complete.

       Now, at the peak of inhalation in ajna chakra, hold your breath.  Perform jalandhara bandha [bring the chin to the chest].  This will help you to hold the breath.  Retain the breath in ajna for a comfortable length of time.  Then raise the head and take a short breath in and slowly exhale down to mooladhara.  Continue without strain.

       When your breathing pattern is established, add moola bandha.

       As you inhale, slowly contract mooladhara.

       Draw the inhaled breath up from mooladhara while slowly tightning the contraction of the chakra.  Make sure the rest of the body is relaxed.  The peak of inhalation at ajna is also the point of maximum contraction at mooladhara.  Perform jalandhara bandha and retain the breath and the contraction.  Then raise the head and slowly release the contraction as you breathe out.  The point of complete exhalation at mooladhara is also the point of total relaxation.

       Breathe in while contracting mooladhara.  Perform jalandhara bandha and hold the breath and the contraction.  Rotate your awarness between ajna and mooladhara.  raise the head.  Then breathe out to mooladhara and release the bandha.

       This is one round.  Practice three rounds and  gradually  build upto 10.

       Allow your breath to return to normal after each round.

       Each time you contract mooladhara, feel the psychic energy rising with the breath.  While holding the bandha, be aware of the powerful energy pulses fired from mooladhara and exploding in ajna.

       As you exhale, watch the dark space of chidakasha and feel the vital energy diffusing throughout the body.

       After you complete your practice take your awareness to chidakasha and witness your feelings, thoughts and any sensations in the body.

Practical note:

       With practice you will develop greater sensitivity of mooladhara chakra and spontaneously become more aware of the psychic dimension of moola bandha.  Moola dhyana can be practised directly after moola bandha.


Moola Dhyana

       Focus your awareness at mooladhara chakra.

       Now breathe in deeply.

       As you exhale, chant the mantra lam on a low note.  Chant continuously and rhythmically until exhalation is complete: lam-lam-lam-lam.  Run one repetition into another in a mala of unbroken sound, and feel the vibrations resonating in mooladhara.

     This is one round.  Practice 13 rounds.

     Become actely sensitive to mooladhara chakra.

     Now bring before your inner eye the image of an elephant.

     Huge grey elephant, still and massive.  An elephant - symbol of strength and solidarity.  This elephant has seven trunks.  See them clearly.  Visualize yourself sitting on the elephant's back.

      Now flash to a yellow square... a simple square, bright yellow.  A bright yellow square...the yantra of the earth element.

      Awaken the sense of smell.  Merge into the bright yellow square and smell the sandalwood fragrance of your psychic body... Bright yellow square... bright yellow square.  Within the square is a red triangle pointing downwards.  

     A red triangle, yantra of kundalini shakti.  Red triangle... red triangle.  Within the triangle a smoky shivalingam... Shivalingam with a serpent entwined about it.  The serpent entwined about it.  The serpent has three and half coils.  Its head is pointing upwards, towards sahasrara.

      Now expand your vision outward.  See mooladhara as a deep red lotus.  A deep red lotus with four petals.  

     Slowly the lotus begins to turn...four red petals going around and around...spinning lotus...whirling red vortex of primal energy.

       See yourself being drawn into this spinning whirlpool of energy.  Merge into it and feel its vibrant energy pulsating through you.

      After some time this vision will spontaneously fade away.

     Then become aware of your natural breath.

     Awareness of your body and its surroundings.

     Chant Om three times, then slowly open your eyes.

Source: Excerpts from the books on "Sure Ways to Self-Realization" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

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