02 June, 2013



       The Sanskrit world anahata means 'unstruck' or 'unbeaten'.  Anahata is the centre of unbeaten sound.  It is a cosmic sound which is continuous and in not caused by two objects hitting each other.  The physical trigger point of anahata chakra is in the spine directly behind the centre of the chest, in line with the heart.  Anahata kshetram is at the heart.

       Anahata chakra is considered to be the seat of Shiva and Shakti.  These two great forces are depicted in anahata as an upright and an inverted triangle.  They are interlinked, indicating that they are in union.  The result is this union is expressed in creativity.  Anahata is connected with that particular part of the brain which is responsible for all kinds of creative and artistic ability.  When one is at the level of anahata he expresses greater creativity, whether in the field of science, art, music, writing or whatever.

       It is said that in this present age, the people of the world are passing through a phase of anahata.  It means that anahata chakra has begun to function in many, many people.  Being the centre of emotions, anahata is very powerful.  When one creates an image in his mind he can visualize it in anahata.  When a mantra is chanted its vibrations should be felt resonating through the body from anahata.

Anahata - wish fulfilling centre

       According to tantric scriptures, anahata is the wish fulfilling centre.  When a person is at the level of anahata he finds he attains all that he hopes for, and if he makes a resolve it is certain to come true.  One must be very careful that his thoughts are pure and positive.  However, it is highly unlikely that anyone with evil intentions could rise to this level.

       Anahata chakra is the centre where one begins to love everyone and all things  unconditionally.  Tolerance develops and all things are accepted and loved for what they are.  One realizes that although people and objects may have gross aspects and differences, they really are embodiments of perfection.

Symbolism behind Anahata Chakra

       Anahata is a symbolic of the air (vayu) tattwa [principle] and is closely related with the sense of touch or feeling and with the movement of the hands.  It is represented as a blue lotus with twelve petals.  

Appearance - Yantra

       The yantra is a six pointed star formed from the two interlaced triangles.  The inverted triangle is the symbol of Shakti (creativity) and the upright triangle is Shiva (consciousness).  

Seed Mantra

       The bija mantra of anhata is yam.  


       The animal which is the vehicle of anahata is a black antelope symbol of alertness and mercy.  An antelope is also noted for its fleetness.  

       In many systems anahata is commonly represented by a lake with a tree growing in its centre, or by a blue lotus on the surface of a huge lake.

Anahata Shuddhi

       Sit in a comfortable cross-legged posture with the spine erect and the eyes closed.  Take your awareness to the centre of the chest and witness its expansion and contraction with each inhalation and exhalation.

       As you inhale, feel the breath being pulled from anahata's location point in the spine through to anahata kshetram at the front of the body.  

       As you exhale, feel the breath being pushed inwards through the kshetram to the chakra in the spine.  Try to feel the exact location of the chakra and kshetram.  Continue for about 5 minutes.

       Then synchronize the mantra Om with the breathing process:  om with inhalation, Om with exhalation.

       Feel the breath and mantra pierce the chakra and kshetram with each inahalation and exhalation.

       Continue in this way for about 10 minutes.

Anahata Dhyana

       Focus your  awareness  at anahata chakra.  Now breathe in deeply.  As you exhale, chant the mantra yam continuously and rhythmically until exhalation is complete.  Chant yam-yam-yam-yam and feel the vibrations resonating in the heart.  Practise 13 rounds.


       Now try to imagine an antelope.  A black antelope, very swift and alert.  Antelope... a symbol of gentleness, certainty and fleetness.

       Now flash to a six pointed star..a smoky coloured star with six points.  A star...formed from two interlaced triangles.  A triangle pointing upwards...symbol of Shiva highest consciousness.  An inverted triangle...symbol of Shakti, the creative force.  See these two triangles interlaced...a star... Shiva and Shakti in union.

       Awareness of an infinite darkness in chidakasha..  The darkness of night... Amidst the darkness there is a feeble light...the light of a candle.  Concentrate on the light of this flickering candle.

       Now imagine you are walking through a garden...a large garden...a very beautiful...many trees...many flowers.  A very colorful garden...very soft grass beneath your feet...a gentle breeze caresses your skin...  In the centre of the garden is a large lake...a large lake of still, clear water.  In the middle of the lake is a tree...it is growing out from the water.  Concentrate on this tree and make a resolve.  Make a positive resolve and repeat it 3 times.

       Visualize the lake once again.  You will notice a blue lotus... a blue lotus with blue petals going around and around...spinning lotus...whirling vortex of primal energy.  See yourself being drawn into this spinning whirlpool of energy.  Merge into it and feel its vibration energy pulsating through your body.  When the vision fades, become aware of your natural breath.  Now become fully aware of your physical body and its surroundings.

      Chant om  3 times, then slowly open your eyes.

Source: Excerpts from the book on "Sure ways to Self-realization" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

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