18 December, 2010

LAW OF CAUSATION - The Supreme Law

The universe is an expression of innumerable laws of nature. They are physical, chemical, biological, psychological, philosophical and several other laws. These are all impeccable, infallible, each having a cause-effect relationship. A cause for an effect and an effect for a cause. The meticulous functioning of the countless laws is the law of causation. They seem to bow in obeisance to some mysterious controller, governor. That unknown, unseen governor is indicated as Brahman, the Supreme God. The infinite power that holds the laws together. Acting like a monarch to whom obedient subjects pay homage. The English poet John Milton puts this idea across succinctly in his sonnet On His Blindness:

His state is kingly: thousands at His bidding speed
And post o’er land and ocean without rest.

The phenomenon of this world is therefore an endless expression of cause and effect. The incessant play of the law of causation. Which has been functioning from the very beginning. A coconut seed always produced a coconut tree and a coconut tree produced a coconut seed. A chicken produced an egg and an egg, a chicken. Where there is no cause and effect, there is no world.

The law of causation governing the macrocosm applies equally to the macrocosm. Every human being is subject to this law. It operates at the physical, mental and intellectual levels. If the physical body has gone through a proper discipline of yoga and exercise it would presently be hale and healthy. And if the body has had no proper physical training, been sensually indulgent it would be pale and sickly. Similarly, the flow of thoughts and emotions towards the positive or negative would determine the nature of the present inner personality. So what you are now is a result of what you have been doing in the past, dating back from this moment. And what you would be in the future would depend upon what you do from this moment. It is an irrefragable law.

The above law has no sway over the supreme Self. It can only control the material equipments, affect your physical, mental and intellectual personalities and not the Self within. Your real Self is above is above the law of causation. It is not subjected to cause and effect. You must therefore leave the precincts of your body, mind and intellect and get to your divine centre. Be your Self. You will then govern the world instead of the world governing you.

The law of causation governing humanity falls under two categories. They are known as the law of destiny and the law of karma. The law of destiny deals with your past and present status. Whereas, the law of karma covers your past, present and future. It covers the law of destiny and goes beyond, into the future to explain your life in its entirety. Study it on its own merits. Examine the logic and reason that supports it. By a thorough grasp of the immaculate functioning of the law you can steer your personality to the highest order of life.


The constitution of each human being is a cumulative effect of his past thoughts, desires and actions. His past activities are the cause. His present personality is the effect. The effect is called destiny. Your destiny at any time is therefore the result of your past. Your past activities are fait accompli. You have no control over what you have accomplished earlier. You cannot alter them now. You will have to face the result set by those causes. Hence your present destiny is fixed. You naturally become a victim of your own past activities. If you have had a proper course of education you would be a literate now. If not, if you have neglected your study and learning you would be an illiterate. Likewise, if you had gone through a proper course of spiritual discipline you would command success and peace in your life. If however, you had chosen a material and sensual life you would be mentally agitated and sorrowful. You reap what you sow. That is the law of destiny.

People are not aware of this imposing law of nature. In their ignorance they believe destiny is something which is predetermined. Some accept it as a plan ordained by God. Others presume it is a play of stars and planets. Yet others hold it as a stratagem of luck and accident. These are all preposterous presumptions.

Destiny is ruled by a scientific law relating to cause and effect. You are the creator of your destiny. There is no extraneous power controlling your life. No God shaping your destiny. God has nothing to do with the type of thought, desire and action emanating from you. He does not determine their nature. No doubt God is the supreme power which enables you to think, desire and act. But the quality of your activities is entirely your making. You are the architect of your life. You are responsible for its positive or negative character. You make or mar yourself.

Spiritual ignoramuses believe that God does everything. That whatever happens, happens with the will of God. That God has created the world and determined the course of each one’s life therein. And consider a human being a victim of God’s determination. They do not believe that he has any part to play in moulding his life. Whereas, the atheists aver that a human being is wholly responsible for whatever happens in life. That human effort is everything. And there is nothing else to it. Vedanta resolves the difference in their points of view. God is, no doubt, the substratum, prime mover of all activities. As petrol is to movement of all cars. But petrol does not determine the mode and course of their motion. It is the engine that provides the power in the car. The driver determines its direction, course. Similarly, the human mind and intellect determine the nature and direction of activities. And they in turn fabricate his destiny. Not God.

The responsibility of your life therefore lies in your hands. Entertain positive thought and feeling. Perform positive action. You meet with fortune. Whereas with negative thought, feeling and action you bring about misfortune upon yourself. You mould your destiny. You get what you deserve. It is an unfailing law. Richard Chenevix Trench puts it across beautifully. The stone that is fit for the wall is not left in the way.

Source: Vedanta Treatise - Swamy Parthasarthy

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