08 December, 2010

Matha, Pitha, Guru & Deivam

Matha (Mother), Pitha (Father), Guru (Teacher) and Deivam (God)

     Nature's constitution is such that for every alignment there is a pay-off, and for every non-alignment there is a price-to-pay.  And it is the law of the nature that Matha, Pitha, Guru and Daivam, has been given these exalted chairs in life.  Irrespective of their relationship with you, your relationship with them has to be right.  It is not what you mean to them, but it is what they mean to you that makes all the difference.  Hence, you hold your feelings towards them right, irrespective of their feelings towards you.  But then, why this exalted status to Matha, Pitha, guru and Daivam.

       The four are the creators of your life.  Without that formless presence, Deivam, nothing exists.  You owe your existence to that formless presence.  The causes behind your form are Matha and Pitha.  Your form is from them.  You are your Father's sperm and your mother's blood.  And, the bridge between your form and that formless presence is your Guru.  You owe your mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development to your Guru.  What's not possible for those who have the vibrations and energy of their Guru? Also understand, Matha is the first relationship you recognise.  She shows you who your Pitha is.  Pitha takes you to the Guru.  And, the Guru leads you to God.  And all the four together complete you.

       Certain chairs are powerful. Whether it is man-made systems or the nature’s law, you have to give certain chairs their prescribed status. You ignore these chairs (positions) at your own peril. You respect these chairs (positions) for your own benefit. Nature’s constitution is such that for every alignment there is a pay-off, and for every non-alignment there is a price-to pay. Matha, Pitha, Guru and Deivam have been given these exalted chairs in life. It is not what you mean to them, but it is what they mean to you that make all the difference. Hence, you hold your feelings towards them right, irrespective of their feelings towards you.

       It is satyam that so much about your life will turn right by just getting your feelings towards Matha, Pitha, Guru and Deivam right. The four – Matha, Pitha, Guru and Deivam, are the creators of your life. Without that formless presence, Deivam, nothing exists. You owe your existence to that formless presence. The causes behind your form are Matha and Pitha. Your form is from them. You are your father’s sperm and your mother’s blood. And, the bridge between your form and that formless presence is your Guru. You owe your mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development to your Guru. And all the four together complete you.

       Aum, known as praNava mantra, is considered a sacred sound in the Indian religions. The sanctity of MathA, PithA, GurU and DeivaM is also that, if you assemble the last letters from them, you have AAUM.

       Who is god? The one without a second is god. You can have motherly relationships in life, but there is only one Matha – the one who nurtured you in her womb. That’s not replaceable. Matha is, one without a second. You can have many godfathers in your life, but there is only one Pitha – the source of the sperm, from whom it all began. That’s not replaceable. Pitha, is one without a second. There can be a multiple teachers, but only one Guru. Guru is the beacon to a spiritually aligned life. Guru is the one who liberates us. The more you become surrendered to the Guru, the more you feel your freedom. What you share with a Guru is not a relationship; it is connectivity. It is much beyond the physical realm. It is truly spiritual. Guru is, one without a second. Whether you follow the faith of ‘See all in that one god’ or the faith of ‘See that one god in all’, all faiths agree that there is only one god. ‘All in one’ or ‘One in all’, god is the one without the second.

      Though three of the four are embodied, they still enjoy the divine status, not for who they are, but for what they represent. That chair (position) of the ‘one without a second’ presents divinity. In fact, if you cannot experience divinity in the three forms – Matha, Pitha and Guru, you will not be able to experience divinity in that formless presence – the Deivam.

Begin and end your day with salutations to Matha (Mother), Pitha (Father), Guru (Teacher) and Deivam (God). Simply express your gratitude to the four creators, and again it is satyam, you will see a sea change in your life.

Source: An article from Frozen Thoughts magazine.

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